Friday, February 25, 2011

Kraftin' Kimmie - Challenge #66 A Super Sketch and TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras

Well thank goodness for Kraftin' Kimmie's Challenges; if I didn't make the goal of trying to do one of her challenges each week for the next two months, I may never have blogged. I have to admit I do like blogging but I would rather be crafting then blogging. Today I finished three Birthday cards and I need to do one more Valentine's card. My parents live four hours away and we haven't seen them since Christmas, so we are going down to visit this weekend - Brewer will want to give them a Valentine's card.

I made this card for Kimmie's challenge, I'm going to give it to my little brother who turned 28. I did it late last night, without my glasses on. I looked at the card this morning and it turns out I really need to wear my glasses.

I have to admit I have been watching the most silliest show ever TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras. Yes, I know most people do not like this show but I can't help myself (just like Jersey Shore). I realize that my choice in TV might be wearing off on my son when I asked him to pose for the camera he did this.....

So I've decided that if I'm going to watch the show, I'll watch it when the little guy isn't around. My husband says it isn't normal for a little boy to go running around posing for the camera, especially like that. I thought it was cute but no I'm not going to put him into pageants :)

Well, I have to finish my Valentine's card for my parents and get packing for our trip, hope everyone has a great weekend!

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