Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm still Here

Wow, were does time go. I've been here but as you can see I'm doing a really bad job of posting.

My little guys are getting very big. I now have a two year old, it seems like yesterday I was in the hospital looking down at his little face and thinking how much my world had just changed. He is such a little man now and he knows what he wants. For his birthday he requested an Elmo themed Birthday party. I made the banner, invites and grab bags. They were so much fun to make but trying to find that much red card stock was hard. My youngest will be turning one in the next couple of months. I now have to start really thinking what theme I am going to have for his party. I'm sure his big brother will help me with ideas.

We celebrated my Grandfather and Grandmother's 80th Birthdays (June & September Birthdays) with an open house. I helped with decorations. I made this banner, which I don't think turned out to bad since I did it a couple of hours before the party.

I just recently celebrated another birthday. Of course it wasn't that exciting, I spent the day watching my two kids plus my nephew at a ball diamond. While my husband & brother in-law played in their baseball tournament for two days. But the exciting part is that my husband gave me money as my birthday gift. I really want to go to the Scrappin Great Deals Garage Sale and now I can. So watch out fellow crafters who are going to the sale, I've got my reusable bags ready and I plan to be one of the first in line!!!

Speaking of SGD, they just put together their first Design Team. What a great bunch of ladies. Many of them I have met, taken their classes or just chit chatted with them at the store. Can't wait to see their work and upcoming classes!!

Well its cold and raining; a perfect day to snuggle with my boys and watch movies.

Have a great Day!!


Donna Marie said...

Hi Ali, love the banners, the bags and the invite. You did a great job creating fun memories. Love the new pics too. Cute.

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